The Department’s Drs. Hopf and Mishra Testified in Favor of a Resolution Focused on Reducing Barriers to Engagement at the ASA Annual Meeting
The Scientific Affairs Committee considered a resolution submitted by Dr. Hopf, in collaboration with members of the Women in Anesthesiology organization, that would allow speakers to choose either in-person or virtual presentation at the time of proposal submission. The purpose of the resolution is to increase ASA member opportunities for engagement and career-development and demonstrate that the ASA values and supports diversity in anesthesiology. After testimony from Dr. Hopf, Dr. Mishra, group members, and others, the Committee referred the resolution to the Committee on Annual Meeting Oversight (AMOC) to begin to implement, starting next year. Pictured are a group of participants socializing after the session, including the Department’s Drs. Hopf and Mishra.